Scheduled Cesareans

Scheduled Cesareans

Whether you are a first-time parent or have been through birth before, going into the OR for a cesarean can be emotionally and physically challenging. Birth photos in these more medicalized birth stories can help families see much more than they could have ever seen in those moments. Sometimes it helps a family process the experience if it was not in the intended plan. We are so grateful for modern medicine and the ability to deliver babies via cesarean when necessary. As birth photographers and experienced doulas, we hope we can help you through the “unknown” of what is happening on the other side of the curtain. We want to share with you what a cesarean birth gallery can look like. We are fortunate to be welcome at Magee Women’s Hospital in Pittsburgh as professional birth doulas and birth photographers. Our families appreciate the doula-friendly policies at this hospital. It takes off a lot of stress and anxiety for the birthing families and us doulas, knowing we are welcome and can support our cesarean families as we do for vaginally delivering births.

Year in Review 2022

Year in Review 2022

 Things I Learned About Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding After Having Two Kids

Things I Learned About Pregnancy, Birth, and Breastfeeding After Having Two Kids